The child's brain: what we know about it and how to support its development


The human brain develops most during the first 3 or 5 years of life. During this time, children learn about the world around them and improve their skills. Studies show that a baby's brain makes up to a thousand neural connections per second! During the first year, a child's brain creates over a million synapses, which is twice as many as an adult's brain.

Which synapses the brain creates and which ones last depend on the experiences a child gathers in the first 5 years. This period is important for creating the foundation for more demanding skills such as motivation, self-regulation, problem solving and communication. Whether a child is able to master these skills will determine their future place in the world.

Family is key

Studies show that in addition to healthy nutrition, the environment in which a child grows up is important for the proper development of a child's brain. Children need a loving and caring environment for their development. The child-parent relationship is essential for the child to thrive. On the other hand, the opposite cases have very negative effects on children's development. Studies show that neglected children have slower development, are unable to form emotional bonds, are not motivated to learn and may be prone to aggression.

That is why it is important to cuddle and caress your baby from birth, to respond to his expressions and needs.   

Play together

The experiences we gain during the first years of life are also important for brain development. That is why it is important to expose children to different stimuli. Exercise together, sing, read and play together. Make playing together a regular and permanent activity and support your children in solving problems. Give the children the opportunity to try things out on their own and support them while they play.

And if you're running out of ideas for how to play together, check out our box that offers exactly this type of game. Not only will you enjoy the time spent together, but you will also fundamentally contribute to the development of your child.  

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Interesting reading about education, development and development of children is prepared for you (us) by Katka. Katka is currently on maternity leave with her 2-year-old daughter Emilka. Reflections on parenthood are her daily bread. Moreover, she enjoys writing immensely and finds it creatively fulfilling. When she has a moment away from her parenting duties, she likes to read a nice book (genre doesn't play a role) or unwind with a yoga session.