Family journal

Humans show emotions from birth. Small babies express their (dis)satisfaction with the given condition by means of humming or crying, from 3 months they already smile. At around 7 months, when they start to realize that they are alone in a room, they start to feel fear (manifested as separation anxiety). And at the moment when the baby begins to...

Few doubt that reading literacy is an important key competence not only for school success. In addition, we (passionate) readers know that a book can be another dimension of our life: colorful, cheerful, deep... It will help us to know more and better, to experience more intensively. And sometimes we just need to escape so that we can return to...

The human brain develops most during the first 3 or 5 years of life. During this time, children learn about the world around them and improve their skills. Studies show that a baby's brain makes up to a thousand neural connections per second! During the first year, a child's brain creates over a million synapses, which is twice as many...